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- Beaulieu-Fawcett | Newell Law Group, P.A. Recognized on the 2017 Inc. 5000 List of America’s Fastest-Growing Companies
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- Beaulieu-Fawcett Law Group
- Annulment in Florida
- Can a Divorce be obtained in the Military?
- Can I date during a divorce?
- Define: Equitable Distribution
- Divorce Modification
- Do we have to go to court even if we agreement?
- Does Florida recognize Legal Separation?
- How are stock options handled?
- How does your firm handle Mediation?
- How long does mediation last?
- Is a pension part of marital distribution?
- Marital vs. Non Marital assets
- The Winding Road to Divorce
- What defines marital property and assets?
- What happens if we reconcile during divorce proceedings?
- What is a temporary hearing?
- What is equitable distribution?
- What is mediation?
- What's the first step in a divorce case?
- When is the best time for mediation in a family law case?
- Who pays attorney fees?
Child Support
- Can Child Support be extended beyond 18?
- Child Support & Timesharing
- Child Support in Florida
- Determining child support for the self employed
- Florida Child Support Calculations
- How does alimony affect my child support?
- How is alimony calculated with child support payments?
- How is child support calculated?
- Termination of Florida Child Support
- What determines temporary alimony or child support payments?
- What happens if my ex stops paying me alimony or support?
- When does child support have to be paid?
Spouse Support
- Can I change or terminate my alimony if I'm supporting a new spouse?
- Can I modify alimony if my spouse has other means?
- Can more than one type of alimony be ordered?
- Child support in cases where the Father didn't know there was a child
- Descriptions of 5 types of alimony
- Determining alimony amount
- Do I qualify for alimony?
- Does the amount I pay in alimony change if I remarry?
- Florida Alimony
- How can alimony be modified?
- How does alimony affect child support?
- How does retirement affect my alimony payments?
- How is alimony calculated with child support?
- How is alimony terminated or modified?
- How many types of alimony are in Florida?
- Possibility of alimony termination due to cohabitation
- Temporary Alimony
- The 5 Types of Alimony in Florida
- What about temporary alimony?
- What about temporary support and alimony?
- What can affect spousal support or alimony?
- What determines temporary alimony or child support?
- What happens if my ex stops paying alimony or support?
- What if my ex is always late with his-her payments?
- What is Alimony?
- What is duration alimony?
- What is the formula for determining alimony?
- When Can Alimony Be Ordered?
- When is permanent alimony ordered?
- Agreements
- Other Questions
Child Related Questions
- Can I relocate with my child?
- Child Support and Timesharing
- Does a child have a say in where he/she lives?
- Factors that determine child time-sharing
- How do I report child abuse?
- Paternity case described
- What about Child Custody?
- What does child time-sharing look like?
- What happens if there are changes in my child's schedule?
- Will an affair affect child time sharing?
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